My Death, My Decision marks the death of assisted dying campaigner Noel Conway

Following the death of determined campaigner Noel Conway last week, My Death, My Decision offers condolences to his friends and family. 

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Assisted dying campaigner urges lawmakers not to forget the incurably suffering, as new Bill is introduced into the Lords

A new Bill that would allow doctors to prescribe lethal medication to patients with less than six months to live has been introduced in the House of Lords. My Death,…

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Submissions invited: The Tony Nicklinson Memorial Prize

Submissions are invited for a new annual award, ‘The Tony Nicklinson Memorial Prize’ sponsored by My Death, My Decision. The prize (£500) is aimed at developing and fostering an interest…

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Police fail to detect up to 30% of assisted deaths, new research finds

At least 3 in 10 people who travel to Switzerland for assisted deaths are unknown to the authorities, according to new research by the campaign group My Death, My Decision.…

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50+ MPs and peers and MDMD patron Henry Marsh, after cancer diagnosis, call for assisted dying inquiry

Henry Marsh, a leading neurosurgeon and patron of My Death, My Decision, has called for an ‘essential’ inquiry into assisted dying.  He has been prompted by a cancer diagnosis, and…

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Spain legalises assisted dying

Spain is now the fourth European country to adopt an assisted dying law that permits a medically assisted death to those who are terminally ill or incurably suffering, after Switzerland,…

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Human Rights Act review must not undermine fundamental freedoms, warns My Death, My Decision

My Death, My Decision has counselled against proposals to water down the Human Rights Act 1998, in response to a consultation from a review panel set up by the Government. 

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My Death, My Decision responds to Republic of Ireland’s Death with Dignity Bill consultation

My Death, My Decision has informed Irish lawmakers it strongly supports proposals to legalise assisted dying for the incurably suffering in Ireland. In response to a consultation on the Death…

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MDMD calls for Northern Ireland’s Bill of Rights to include a right to die

My Death, My Decision has urged lawmakers in Northern Ireland to recognise a right to die, as part of the Assembly’s efforts to expand human rights protections.

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Portugal’s Parliament passes assisted dying bill

Portuguese lawmakers have voted in support of legal assisted dying for the incurably suffering, making a change in the law one step closer to reality. My Death, My Decision has…

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Covid-19 has exposed the need for a review of our assisted dying laws, says MDMD to parliamentary human rights committee

My Death, My Decision has responded to the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ review of Covid-19, by calling for an immediate review of the UK’s laws on assisted dying. 

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Jersey forges ahead with citizens’ jury on assisted dying

Jersey’s government is moving forward with plans to convene a citizens’ assembly on assisted dying, and has invited more than 4,000 residents to register their interest in taking part. The…

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My Death, My Decision’s Chair responds to Ruth Davidson’s Telegraph column on assisted dying

The Sunday Telegraph has published a letter to the editor from My Death, My Decision’s Chair, Trevor Moore, in response to a column by Ruth Davidson.

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Austrian court overturns ban on assisted dying

Austria’s constitutional court has ruled a ban on helping ‘seriously ill’ people ending their own lives is unconstitutional, in a landmark ruling which has been welcomed by My Death, My…

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Court of Appeal refuses Paul Lamb the opportunity to challenge the law on assisted dying

The Court of Appeal has rejected a bid from Paul Lamb to challenge the law banning assisted dying, in a judgment expected to end further legal cases for the foreseeable…

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Travel to Switzerland for an Assisted Death not Criminalised by Lockdown Legislation

In an urgent parliamentary question on 5th Nov 2020, the day a second lockdown was introduced in England, Andrew Mitchell (MP) asked the Health Secretary Matt Hancock to make a…

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Assisted Dying Referendum: New Zealand votes to overturn ban on assisted dying

New Zealand has overwhelmingly voted to legalise assisted dying by 65.2% to 33.8%, according to the preliminary results of a nation-wide referendum. My Death, My Decision has welcomed the result…

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My Death, My Decision welcomes new patron, Adam Kay

My Death, My Decision is delighted to announce the appointment of its newest patron, Adam Kay. Adam is an award-winning British comedian, writer, and former doctor. 

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Doctors vote to end BMA’s opposition to assisted dying in historic survey

The British Medical Association has announced that following a landmark members’ survey on the topic more doctors would prefer for the BMA to actively support assisted dying, than those who…

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Royal College of GPs threatened with legal action over hostile assisted dying stance

Two GPs have threatened the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) with legal action after it decided earlier this year to remain opposed to assisted dying, despite a majority of…

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