
Rishi backs time for assisted dying vote

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak chairing his first Cabinet this morning (c) Open Government Licence v3.0.

The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has said he would support allowing enough parliamentary time for a meaningful debate and vote on assisted dying. Mr Sunak also pledged to introduce assisted dying laws if parliament wanted to change the law, saying the government would “facilitate” it in a “legally effective” way.

My Death, My Decision welcomes the Prime Minister’s comments and will push for an assisted dying Private Member’s Bill to be introduced at the next opportunity.

Earlier this year the leader of the opposition, Keir Starmer, made a similar pledge of parliamentary time.

Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision said:

“This is huge. Both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the opposition have now said they would make parliamentary time for a meaningful vote on assisted dying. This is welcome progress towards more compassionate end-of-life choices for people suffering unbearably from incurable conditions. 

With the vast majority of the public in favour of law change, voters from all parties have been pushing for a proper debate and vote on this crucial issue. It’s about time we stopped exporting compassion to Switzerland and gave suffering people the choice of how and when they wish their life to end.”

Sunak made the comments to campaigner Matt Ryan, 44, who told him that reforms could have eased the suffering his family faced when both his father, David Minns, and his sister, Katie, died from cancer.

There has not been a vote on assisted dying since 2015. The most recent attempt to change the law ended when a Bill in the House of Lords ran out of time in 2021. There are currently no votes or debates expected on this topic in this parliamentary term.

The Health and Social Care Committee is currently running an inquiry into assisted dying. The date of the report’s publication is likely to be announced soon. 

Progress on assisted dying legislation is being made in Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Each jurisdiction is due to debate the issue this year.


Members of the MDMD team, as well as individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, are available for interview upon request

For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow mentally competent adults who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering from an incurable physical condition the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members and supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.

Read more about our work with the Assisted Dying Inquiry: https://dev.mydeath-mydecision.org.uk/2023/07/13/our-summary-the-assisted-dying-inquiry/ 

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Keir Starmer backs assisted dying vote

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Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, has said MPs should be allowed to vote on assisted dying. His comments come alongside several senior politicians, including Michael Gove, Alicia Kearns, Mel Stride, Tobias Ellwood and Darren Jones, who have backed another assisted dying vote in Parliament.

The last time MPs voted on assisted dying was 2015. 11 MPs who are now members of Sir Keir’s shadow cabinet supported the bill at the time.

Starmer’s comments come in the light of the news that Dame Esther Rantzen, the broadcaster who founded the charities Childline and The Silver Line, said she had joined the assisted dying centre Dignitas. Dame Esther is currently undergoing treatment for stage four lung cancer.

Cabinet Member Mel Stride said the government did not have plans to bring the law back to parliament but he would not be resistant to discussions if it did. Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove said it was “appropriate for the Commons to revisit [assisted dying]”. Alicia Kearns, Chair of the foreign affairs select committee, said she thought there had been “a fundamental shift in the country, but also in parliament” since 2015. 

Kearns told the BBC: “The amount of my colleagues who say ‘I’ve reflected, I’ve changed my views’… I really do think that the national conversation has changed,”

Esther Rantzen at Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee 2022 – Picture by Andrew Parsons

Prominent Labour MP Darren Jones has told reporters that an assisted dying debate “should happen” and he believes a debate will happen “sooner rather than later”.

The most recent attempt to change the law ended when the bill ran out of time in 2021. There are currently no votes or debates expected on this topic in this parliamentary term.

Avengers and Game of Thrones star Diana Rigg recently made headlines when she made an impassioned case to legalise assisted dying in a message recorded shortly before her death. The message was released by her daughter. 

The Health and Social Care Committee is currently running an inquiry into assisted dying. It was due to publish its findings this year, but due to the debate around the report, it is likely to be published early in 2024. 

Progress on assisted dying legislation is being made in Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Each jurisdiction is due to debate the issue next year.

Claire Macdonald, Director of My Death, My Decision said:

“We welcome Sir Keir Starmer’s comments that there are “grounds for changing the law” on assisted dying. The current status quo forces British citizens into an impossible choice: flee abroad for an assisted death in a foreign country or stay at home and suffer. The current law is barbaric.

In the next parliament, we desperately need a proper debate and vote on this vital issue. The vast majority of voters want to see a change in the law. Adults who are intolerably suffering from a physical condition that cannot be cured and have come to a clear and settled wish to die should be allowed that right.”


Members of the MDMD team, as well as individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, are available for interview upon request

For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow mentally competent adults who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering from an incurable condition the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members and supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.

Read more about our work with the Assisted Dying Inquiry: https://dev.mydeath-mydecision.org.uk/2023/07/13/our-summary-the-assisted-dying-inquiry/ 

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Assisted Dying debate should happen “sooner rather than later”.

Esther Rantzen at Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee 2022 – Picture by Andrew Parsons

Dame Esther Rantzen, the broadcaster who founded the charities Childline and The Silver Line, announced on Radio 4’s The Today podcast that she had joined the assisted dying centre Dignitas. Dame Esther is currently undergoing treatment for stage four lung cancer.

Esther Rantzen was described in the podcast as a giant force in the land. 

Prominent Labour MP Darren Jones has told reporters that assisted dying “should be debated” and he believes a debate will happen “sooner rather than later”. The comments were made in the light of several prominent public figures supporting the right to choose. Jones is Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury and was the Chair of the Business and Trade Select Committee. He made the comments to Kate Burley during a discussion about Dame Esther Rantzen’s recent comment on assisted dying.

There has not been a vote on assisted dying since 2015. The most recent attempt to change the law ended when the bill ran out of time in 2021. There are currently no votes or debates expected on this topic in this parliamentary term.

Avengers and Game of Thrones star Diana Rigg recently made headlines when she made an impassioned case to legalise assisted dying in a message recorded shortly before her death. The message was released by her daughter. 

The Health and Social Care Committee is currently running an inquiry into assisted dying. It was due to publish its findings this year, but due to the debate around the report, it is likely to be published early in 2024. 

Progress on assisted dying legislation is being made in Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Each jurisdiction is due to debate the issue next year.

Claire Macdonald, Director of My Death, My Decision said:

“There’s a reason why so many prominent public figures have recently come out in support of legalising assisted dying. The current status quo in the UK is barbaric and forces individuals into impossible situations – suffer at home or flee abroad for death on your own terms.

Adults who are intolerably suffering from a physical condition that cannot be cured and have come to a clear and settled wish to die should be allowed that right. Diana Rigg should have had a choice and Esther Rantzen should not be forced abroad to exercise her right.”


Members of the MDMD team, as well as individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, are available for interview upon request

For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow mentally competent adults who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering from an incurable condition the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members and supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.

Read more about our work with the Assisted Dying Inquiry: https://dev.mydeath-mydecision.org.uk/2023/07/13/our-summary-the-assisted-dying-inquiry/ 

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Jersey assisted dying ethics review ‘unnecessary’

An “ethics review” of assisted dying in Jersey has been published, but campaigners have questioned the need for the review, the scope of the report and the report’s recommendations.

Assisted dying has been approved in Jersey ‘in principle’ after a citizens’ jury discussed the topic in immense detail. In 2020, a panel of 23 randomly selected representative members of the community met over a ten-week period. The panellists looked in depth at the ethical question of assisted dying. Evidence was submitted by a large range of international experts. The overwhelming majority recommended that it should be available to adults of sound mind, who are either terminally ill or experiencing unbearable suffering, subject to robust safeguards. 

Since then, the Government of Jersey has run two different consultations on the subject. These consultations included the input of over 28 organisations, numerous individual experts from across the globe and testimony from people in Jersey affected by the law. My Death, My Decision as well as many different organisations commended the professionalism of the consultation report and the consequent proposals by the government at the time.

It is unclear why three individual experts’ opinions have been valued over and above the detailed consultation processes that have been carried out so far. There has been no clear explanation by the government as to why the review was necessary after the thorough processes outlined above. 

The results of the ethical review and its recommendations are at odds with the citizens’ jury on this subject, which specifically went into detail on the eligibility criteria that any law should have. The review has recommended against including adults who are intolerably suffering from an incurable physical illness, despite 69% of the jury specifically voting in favour of that criterion.

The arguments in favour of removing these eligibility criteria included that suffering is hard to define. This is at odds with the decades of experience that can be offered by Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and Canada. Jersey can look to other jurisdictions for ways in which to address this, as well as examine how they have operated successfully in practice.

Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision said:

“The immense amount of time, effort, expertise – and no doubt cost – that has already been invested in consideration of an assisted dying law for Jersey, throws into question why this ethical review was necessary. Equally questionable is why the opinions of three individuals have been allowed to outweigh the detailed jury process and the outcome of a comprehensive consultation, drawing on worldwide expertise.

Rather than exclude discussion of the eligibility criteria for any law on the island, surely all of the decision-makers should be allowed to hear the differing perspectives that feed into the ultimate decision? Not to allow this would be to disregard the substantial work that has already been undertaken to provide those very perspectives.”


Members of the MDMD team, as well as individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, are available for interview upon request

For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow mentally competent adults who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering from an incurable condition the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members and supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.

Read more about our work with the Assisted Dying Inquiry: https://dev.mydeath-mydecision.org.uk/2023/07/13/our-summary-the-assisted-dying-inquiry/ 

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Isle of Man Assisted Dying Bill passes key stage

Dr Alex Allinson’s Assisted Dying Bill has passed its second reading in the Isle of Man Parliament, bringing the jurisdiction a vital step closer to a working, compassionate assisted dying law. My Death, My Decision, whose local Isle of Man branch has been campaigning strongly for a law, welcomes this important step.

The bill passed with 17 votes in favour to 7 against.

With this significant hurdle jumped, the Isle of Man could be the first part of the British Isles to legalise assisted dying. The Bill will now enter the clause stage where individual elements of the Bill can be scrutinised and voted on. The next vote will decide how the next step will be taken, this could be done by a committee of five members, or a committee of the entire parliament.

Currently, the Bill would only give Manx residents terminally ill people with fewer than six months to live the choice of receiving help to end their own life. My Death, My Decision is campaigning for the eligibility criteria to include mentally competent adults who are incurably suffering, but not necessarily terminally ill, would be able to have the option of an assisted death.

Our chair, Trevor Moore, visited Tynwald in June, to make the case for parliamentarians to vote for a compassionate assisted dying law that will help end unnecessary suffering for those who so choose.

Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision said:

“The members of the House of Keys are to be applauded in taking this historic step on the path to an assisted dying law for the Isle of Man . They have engaged positively with the debate so far, with arguments put forward from all sides in good faith. We remain hopeful that the Isle of Man continues along the road to giving mentally competent adults who are incurably suffering the choice of a dignified death.

We would like to thank our passionate campaigners on the island, like Vicky Christian who chairs our local group there. They have done extraordinary work to ensure that the voices of people who have been deeply affected by the current unjust assisted dying laws are heard.”


Members of the MDMD team, as well as individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, are available for interview upon request

For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow mentally competent adults who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering from an incurable condition the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members and supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.

Read more about our work with the Assisted Dying Inquiry: https://dev.mydeath-mydecision.org.uk/2023/07/13/our-summary-the-assisted-dying-inquiry/ 

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Two soaps explore assisted dying at the same time

Source: BBC

Soap operas Coronation Street and Casualty are due to explore assisted dying storylines at the same time. Both include characters who are suffering from Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and are looking to take control of the end of their lives. My Death, My Decision welcomes the awareness of this key issue and calls on the UK government to stop exporting compassion for people suffering unbearably to Switzerland, by introducing an assisted dying law here.

Potential spoilers below

This weekend, Casualty will run a double episode which will follow character Gethin as he travels to Switzerland to an assisted dying centre. Gethin is reminded of his options multiple times before deciding to proceed with the assisted death. Over 550 UK citizens have died at Dignitas, one of multiple Swiss assisted dying centres, since 2002.

The emotional episode will apparently see Gethin and his former partner in the show, Jan, make the most of their remaining time together, with a day trip and a picnic.

There have been hints that Jan may face questioning and further issues with the police upon her return to the UK for accompanying Gethin to have an assisted death.

Assisting a person to take their own life is illegal in the UK. People who accompany others abroad could face up to 14 years’ prison for doing so. From 2009 to 2023, there have been 182 cases referred to the Crown Prosecution Service by the police that have been recorded as assisted suicide, though few prosecutions.

If Jan is investigated by the police, the story could closely mimic the real-life story of Sue Lawford, who was arrested at 5am, held for over 16 hours and investigated for six months, for accompanying Sharon Johnston abroad for an assisted death.

Over on Coronation Street, character Paul Foreman is set to confide in his friend Todd Grimshaw over his assisted dying plan, following Paul’s Motor Neurone Disease diagnosis earlier this year.

It is unclear whether Paul will proceed with the assisted dying plan. 

Recent assisted dying Bills in the UK, which have not passed, have been limited to people who are terminally ill with six months or left next to live. While Motor Neurone Disease is terminal, it is not always simple to call when someone has six months left to live and some people diagnosed with MND would not be able to access the law if it were legalised.

That is why My Death, My Decision is calling for a compassionate law where people who are incurably, unbearably suffering are eligible, no matter how long they may have to live.

MND affects up to 5,000 adults in the UK at any one time. There is a 1 in 300 risk of getting MND across a lifetime.

If you have MND, you may have concerns about the later stages of the disease and what will happen with your future. The Motor Neurone Disease Association has an in-depth end-of-life guide

Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision said:

Both Coronation Street and Casualty are set to show the realistic scenarios that many people in the UK are facing today. Some of our members will be watching and reliving their own experiences. I would encourage every MP to watch these storylines and wake up to the reality of the difficult choices faced by people who are suffering unbearably from Motor Neurone Disease and other incurable conditions. MPs have the power to give them the choice of a peaceful death, when they choose and surrounded by those they love.

Despite excellent palliative care in the UK, many people will face overly medicalised, drawn-out, unnecessarily painful deaths. The UK should aim to have the most compassionate laws in the world, and they certainly should not be exporting compassion to Switzerland.”


For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

MDMD works with numerous people who have been affected by the blanket ban on assisted dying in the UK – they may be available for interview.

Read more about My Death, My Decision’s campaign.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow those who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.

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Over a third of Church of England priests support assisted dying

Source: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/church-of-england-priests-survey-gay-conversion-therapy-ban-assisted-dying-house-of-lords-net-zero-7kqg3dswr

Support for assisted dying among Church of England priests has grown significantly in the last nine years. Over a third of priests would support assisted dying for someone with an incurable disease.

My Death, My Decision hopes this revelation might help to foster a safe and open debate amongst the Church of England clergy on this vital issue, especially as Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Man come increasingly closer to creating compassionate assisted dying legislation.

A recent survey by the Times of 1,185 Church of England priests conducted this month found that 35.5% of priests supported a compassionate assisted dying law, compared to 22% in 2014. While a majority do not want assisted dying legalised, opposition has dropped 15%, from 70% to 55%.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey of Clifton described assisted dying as “profoundly Christian to do all we can to ensure nobody suffers against their wishes”. He told The Times: “Opinion is beginning to change as more and more clergy encounter those increasingly difficult experiences of terminal illness where even the best medical care leaves patients living their last days and hours in unconscionable agony and indignity.”

My Death, My Decision’s patron Reverend Canon Rosie Harper says: “The dignity and the compassion that every dying person is owed is still not available to us in this country. I long for [the law] to change and I hope that My Death, My Decision will be part of a wave of people, as most of the people in this country want it to change.”

A 2019 assisted dying poll by Populus found that 86% of people deemed regular churchgoers would support assisted dying under some circumstances. 82% of people who identified as Christian would support a change in the law.

Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision said:

“We know the majority of people in the pews support a compassionate, safe assisted dying law and it’s refreshing to see opinions at the pulpit slowly catching up. There is nothing Christian about forcing incurably sick people to have long, painful undignified deaths.

My Death, My Decision welcomes this wave of support shown by The Times survey, and we are glad to see opposition to assisted dying fall considerably too. People deserve to make decisions about their lives and ultimately their deaths. It is time Parliament legislates on this important issue.”


Members of the MDMD team, as well as individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, are available for interview upon request

For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow those who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members and supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.

Read more about our work with the Assisted Dying Inquiry: https://dev.mydeath-mydecision.org.uk/2023/07/13/our-summary-the-assisted-dying-inquiry/ 


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Our Summary: The Assisted Dying Inquiry

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow those who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. 

With over 3,000 supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give people a choice at the end of their lives.

We have long called for an inquiry into assisted dying here in the UK. In 2021, along with Humanists UK, renowned neurosurgeon Dr Henry Marsh and over 50 MPs and peers, we organised a joint letter calling for an inquiry into this vital issue.

The Health and Social Care Committee launched an inquiry into assisted dying in January and at the start of July the Committee held its final oral evidence session. The inquiry will then produce a report, which we expect it to publish around September. It could contain recommendations or even call for a law.

What happened?

Firstly, the public was invited to participate in a survey, which received 63,000 responses. The Committee has released a partial summary of the survey results, revealing that 94% of respondents believed that “reducing suffering” was a significant factor in their opinion that the current law is wrong.

We submitted written evidence along with over 300 organisations, experts, and individuals.

Additionally, two closed-door roundtable discussions were held with individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, these included doctors, surgeons, nurses, terminally ill people, disabled people and people who had accompanied loved ones to Switzerland.

The Committee held five oral evidence sessions, during which a variety of domestic and international experts provided testimony and answered questions.


What went right?

The international evidence received was outstanding and informative. Switzerland has allowed assisted dying for over 80 years, the US state of Oregon for 25, Belgium and the Netherlands for over 20. There are also now 28 jurisdictions around the world that allow assisted dying under some criteria. There is a massive wealth of data and experience about assisted dying that can help the UK draft a compassionate law.

MPs on the Committee heard that internationally, end-of-life care improves dramatically after the introduction of assisted dying legislation. James Downar, an expert on Palliative Care from Canada, said that his country had seen ‘the strongest growth of palliative care in its history’ since assisted dying was legalised. Experts from Belgium and the Netherlands said that legalisation had been linked to palliative care, and both countries saw massive boosts in end-of-life care after the law’s introduction.

Overall, the oral evidence sessions showed that assisted dying legislation abroad has led to more compassion, more dignity, better safety and better scrutiny.  


What did the inquiry get wrong?

It was clear from the start that an inquiry into the biggest ethical issue of our generation, where many individuals hold extremely strong views, would be an incredibly difficult task. The Committee is concurrently running inquiries into dentistry, pharmacy and future cancers, so there is a lot on their plate.

Despite the good effort, five evidence sessions were always going to leave out key stakeholders. However, the whole reason we are having this debate in the first place, is that many people are living in tremendous pain, suffering and indignity. In our opinion, these people and their friends and loved ones were not given enough weight and should have had a publicly televised oral evidence session for those who wished to share their experiences with a wider audience. 

It’s easy to jump straight to philosophical ethical questions, or experts on palliative care, but that is not the reason this topic is so important. The reason we are having this discussion is that grassroots movements like ours are filled with people who are put in barbaric and inhumane situations because we don’t have an assisted dying law.

Secondly, only palliative care doctors were invited to give publicly televised oral evidence. The oral evidence sessions carry a lot of weight; it’s a chance to convince MPs in person and allows MPs to ask in-depth questions. This leaves out surgeons, GPs, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and many other individuals who will clearly be involved in the assisted dying process and would have vital evidence to share. These groups could only submit evidence in writing or attend the anonymised roundtables.  


How could the inquiry have done better?

Many of the MPs on the Committee had previously opposed assisted dying. This doesn’t mean their minds haven’t changed since the vote in 2015, or that the inquiry itself couldn’t change their minds, but the opponents to assisted dying should have declared their views right from the start.

From information in the public domain, it seems several members of the Committee are far more religious than the public at large too, and while that doesn’t automatically mean they oppose assisted dying, they should declare that their religiosity may influence the debate. The same can be said of some contributors to televised evidence sessions, one did not declare they were the Vice President of the Catholic Union before giving testimony. Another had signed an open letter opposing abortion in Northern Ireland under religious groups. 

Secondly, while it’s evident that opposing views were always going to be heard in this inquiry, there wasn’t enough effort to challenge falsehoods or exaggerations. A clear example is Canada. In one session, a professor from the USA claimed that people in Canada had been forced into euthanasia by pressure from their families. This claim was repeated in a later evidence session. This is not true. There is no evidence that families have pressured their loved ones into having an assisted death. If someone makes such a bold assertion, the nature of an inquiry is that they should be challenged to give evidence to support their claims.


What next?

The inquiry will write a report which may contain recommendations to the Government, which will be published this year. We expect it to be published around September or October, but there is no set timeline. The Government is then expected to respond.

However, we are doubtful that the report will  produce any recommendations, which would be a missed opportunity. We suspect this is the case due to the range of opposition to assisted dying from the committee members. 

If a neutral report without recommendations is produced, the next step could be a Citizens’ Jury. Citizens’ juries (also known as assemblies or conventions) have been held on assisted dying in Jersey and France and led to positive, ethical discussions about end-of-life care. These juries bring together everyday citizens to learn and discuss key issues. They have been held all over the world, on issues like climate change, drug use and other ethical issues. They are a great opportunity to let the people have a clear, detailed say on key discussions.

The first oral evidence session included an expert advisor and academic who helped the Citizens’ Jury on assisted dying in Jersey. Dr Mullock told the inquiry: ‘I think it is a very good process and a really good way to have democratic participation.’

The survey, to which 63,000 people responded, asked individuals if they thought a Citizens’ Jury could be a good way forward. The Committee has not yet revealed how many individuals ticked that box.


Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision, said:

“We are desperate to see the final report that the committee produces. We hope it takes into account the tremendous international evidence that supports a change in the law and truly understands the scale of unnecessary pain and suffering that exists in the UK because of our current legislation.

If the report contains no set recommendations, the Government should set up a Citizens’ Jury. This would be a vital step in giving the people their say on this crucial issue. Assisted dying gives people back their fundamental right to end their suffering if it gets too much. No one should be forced to endure torturous conditions when the international evidence has shown that compassionate alternatives are available.”



Members of the MDMD team, as well as individuals affected by the current law on assisted dying, are available for interview upon request


For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at nathan.stilwell@mydeath-mydecision.org.uk or phone 07456200033.

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Health Minister: Government will not stand in the way of assisted dying

Helen Whately MP, Minister of State of the Department for Health and Social Care told the Health and Social Care’s inquiry on assisted dying that the Government will not stand in the way of assisted dying legislation.

Whately told MPs on the committee that the Government believes this is an issue of conscience and that it is a matter for parliament to decide what assisted dying model the UK would adopt, if it chose to. She told the committee that the government had not had any discussions on whether to give Parliament enough time for a meaningful vote. She also admitted that she had not been involved in, and was not aware of, any discussions for policies if Scotland, Jersey or the Isle of Man introduce assisted dying legislation, as they are expected to do so.

The session also heard from experts on palliative care. Jonathan Ellis, Director of Policy at Hospice UK, said the consequences of a lack of legislation should be understood as well as the potential consequences of legislation.

In a previous evidence session, the committee heard evidence that assisted dying actually leads to improvements in palliative care. Professor James Downar, Head of the Division of Palliative Care at the University of Ottawa, explained that since the introduction of an assisted dying law in 2016, Canada had seen ‘the strongest growth of palliative care in its history.’ Professor Jan Bernheim and Professor Rutger Jan van der Gaag said that legislative change in Belgium and the Netherlands had been intrinsically linked with palliative care and they now boast some of the best palliative care provisions in Europe.

The overwhelming majority of people who access assisted dying abroad are over 70, have terminal cancer and were already receiving good quality palliative care at the time of their death.

In written evidence submitted to the committee, Palliative Care Australia – one of the main palliative care organisations in Australia, which initially opposed assisted dying legislation – after extensive research came to the conclusion resoundingly that assisted dying legislation leads to improved palliative care.

My Death, My Decision would welcome an assisted dying law in the UK that grants mentally capable adults the option of an assisted death if they are enduring unbearable suffering from an incurable physical condition.

Claire Macdonald, Director of My Death, My Decision, said:

The evidence is clear, where assisted dying is legalised, jurisdictions see better funding for palliative care, a better understanding of death and better choices for people at the end of their lives. 

We are glad to find out that the Government won’t block assisted dying legislation, but the way politics works means that we haven’t had a meaningful vote on assisted dying in nearly a decade. The people of the UK desperately want to see this issue addressed.”

Read more about our work with the Assisted Dying Inquiry: https://dev.mydeath-mydecision.org.uk/2023/05/15/assisted-dying-inquiry-health-and-social-care-committee-takes-next-steps/ 

Watch the evidence session here: https://committees.parliament.uk/event/18436/formal-meeting-oral-evidence-session/ 

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Isle of Man takes first step on the road to an assisted dying law

The Isle of Man took a step closer to introducing an assisted dying law today, as Dr Alex Allinson’s Assisted Dying Bill passed its first reading. The progress being made there, in Scotland and in Jersey shines a spotlight on Westminster, where the Health and Social Care Committee continues its inquiry into assisted dying.

Dr Allinson’s Bill proposes a six-month maximum life expectancy criterion for anyone seeking an assisted death, similar in that respect to laws already operating in many US states – the most well-known being Oregon – and some of those in Australia.

At a meeting with members of Tynwald this morning before the first reading, Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision explained to the politicians some of the differing models that apply in jurisdictions around the world. In particular, he mentioned the arbitrariness and discriminatory nature of a six-month criterion, as well as the exclusion of those suffering unbearably from incurable conditions. They will have the summer recess to deliberate before the second reading in October.

One of the questions raised was the ability of medical professionals to assess whether someone is being coerced into seeking an assisted death. Trevor explained that medical professionals have to assess this in many other contexts, including when someone opts to remove life-sustaining support. The safeguards proposed by Dr Allinson’s Bill are far greater than applied in everyday practice, with the proposed two independent assessors having the ability to refer to a third professional (most likely a psychiatrist), in appropriate cases.

Assuming that the Bill passes through the first chamber, the House of Keys, it will then need to be passed by the second chamber the Legislative Council. The timing is not precise, but it is possible that a law will be passed by this time next year.

Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision, said:

“We must hope that our politicians at Westminster – and in particular the Health and Social Care Committee – take note of other jurisdictions like Isle of Man, Scotland and Jersey, where substantive steps are being taken towards having a compassionate assisted dying law. It lies in their hands to enable suffering people to choose when and where they die.”


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