Welsh Parliament to debate assisted dying

Majority in Northern Ireland support introduction of assisted dying legislation

Groundbreaking Citizens’ Jury Backs Legalisation of Assisted Dying

Patient Trust Remains Strong Under Assisted Dying Legislation – New Study

Assisted dying bill published – Our analysis

Northern Irish assisted dying group launched

Isle of Man’s Assisted Dying Bill passes key vote

Assisted dying bill introduced in parliament

Isle of Man’s Assisted Dying Bill closer to becoming law

A new parliament – what it means for assisted dying

Lady Hale: lack of assisted dying legislation ”cruel and inhumane”

Ten years since Supreme Court ruled against assisted dying

Former Wales First Minister calls for UK-wide assisted dying law

Where do the main parties stand on assisted dying?

Jersey passes historic assisted dying vote

The views of disabled people within the assisted dying debate

Huge Support for Assisted Dying at Rally

Five new Assisted Suicide cases in a year

The Assisted Dying Inquiry: A deeper dive into the report

Rally for Assisted Dying

Former Supreme Court president Lady Hale supports assisted dying

Isle of Man Assisted Dying Committee Publishes Report

Scottish Assisted Dying Bill published

Jersey closer to assisted dying law for the incurably suffering

Irish committee report in favour of assisted dying

Report highlights assisted dying inequality – My Death, My Decision

Sir Keir Starmer pledges to have an assisted dying vote in the next parliament

Assisted dying closer to legalisation in the Republic of Ireland, after a report is set to recommend change.

Assisted dying report lays foundations for legislative change, Parliament must now act

Swiss assisted dying data shows proposed UK laws are inadequate

Rishi backs time for assisted dying vote

Keir Starmer backs assisted dying vote

Assisted Dying debate should happen “sooner rather than later”.

Jersey assisted dying ethics review ‘unnecessary’

Isle of Man Assisted Dying Bill passes key stage

Two soaps explore assisted dying at the same time

Over a third of Church of England priests support assisted dying

Our Summary: The Assisted Dying Inquiry

Health Minister: Government will not stand in the way of assisted dying

Isle of Man takes first step on the road to an assisted dying law

DIGNITAS: “It’s about time” the UK changes law on assisted dying

Dominoes are falling: Majority of surgeons support assisted dying.

Compassion lead to assisted dying law, say international experts

Assisted dying law forces individuals to end their lives early, say top lawyers

Assisted Dying Inquiry: Health and Social Care Committee Takes Next Steps

Why Dying Matters To Me

Dame Prue Leith becomes MDMD Patron

My Death, My Decision Isle of Man launched

Senedd deserves power to legalise assisted dying

France’s Citizens’ Jury supports assisted dying

On the anniversary of her death, we salute the legacy of the committed assisted dying campaigner Debbie Purdy

Assisted Dying Inquiry – Have your say!

Assisted Dying inquiry launched

Assisted Dying inquiry likely in the new year

Retired NHS manager arrested, subjected to six-month investigation over assisted death

Macron announces assisted dying citizens assembly

Overwhelming 76% support for Liam McArthur’s assisted dying Bill in Scotland

10 year anniversary of the death of Tony Nicklinson

Church of England oppose assisted dying

MPs support assisted dying inquiry in debate

Assisted dying to be debated by MPs

Success! Assisted Dying Bill introduced on the Isle Of Man

Baroness Meacher’s Assisted Dying Bill Fails

My Death, My Decision welcomes new Clinical Advisory Group co-chair, Graham Winyard CBE

Dr Henry Marsh: Why the opponents to assisted dying are wrong

Serious health conditions more than double suicide rate – ONS

We’re hiring!

Crown Prosecution Service launches consultation on public interest guidance in so called ‘mercy killing’ cases

Jersey votes to approve principle of assisted dying

Boris Johnson opposed to assisted dying reform

Incurably suffering woman calls for change to assisted dying law before ending her life in Switzerland

Majority of MPs personally favour legalising assisted dying, new poll reveals

My Death, My Decision responds to Lords debate of new Assisted Dying Bill

Assisted dying is about letting people die with dignity, stresses citizens’ panel in Jersey

BMA drops opposition to assisted dying

MDMD congratulates winner of 2021 Tony Nicklinson essay competition

The right to die is the last great freedom still to be won, say expert panellists at online MDMD event

Citizens’ jury on assisted dying paves the way for legislation in Jersey, with majority backing reform

Assisted Dying Bill introduced to Scottish Parliament

Paul Lamb, resolute assisted dying campaigner, has died aged 65

My Death, My Decision marks the death of assisted dying campaigner Noel Conway

Assisted dying campaigner urges lawmakers not to forget the incurably suffering, as new Bill is introduced into the Lords

Submissions invited: The Tony Nicklinson Memorial Prize

Police fail to detect up to 30% of assisted deaths, new research finds

50+ MPs and peers and MDMD patron Henry Marsh, after cancer diagnosis, call for assisted dying inquiry

Spain legalises assisted dying

Human Rights Act review must not undermine fundamental freedoms, warns My Death, My Decision

My Death, My Decision responds to Republic of Ireland’s Death with Dignity Bill consultation

MDMD calls for Northern Ireland’s Bill of Rights to include a right to die

Portugal’s Parliament passes assisted dying bill

Covid-19 has exposed the need for a review of our assisted dying laws, says MDMD to parliamentary human rights committee

Jersey forges ahead with citizens’ jury on assisted dying

My Death, My Decision’s Chair responds to Ruth Davidson’s Telegraph column on assisted dying

Austrian court overturns ban on assisted dying

Court of Appeal refuses Paul Lamb the opportunity to challenge the law on assisted dying

Travel to Switzerland for an Assisted Death not Criminalised by Lockdown Legislation

Assisted Dying Referendum: New Zealand votes to overturn ban on assisted dying

My Death, My Decision welcomes new patron, Adam Kay

Doctors vote to end BMA’s opposition to assisted dying in historic survey

Royal College of GPs threatened with legal action over hostile assisted dying stance

Arbitrary six month limit for assisted dying would weaken arguments for reform, says renowned neurosurgeon

A generation of assisted dying campaigners demand an inquiry into the law

Parliament could legalise assisted dying within 4 years, says ex Cabinet Minister

New Book ‘Last Rights’ prompts discussion on assisted dying reform

Listen to the evidence’ on assisted dying, says renowned assisted dying expert at My Death, My Decision’s 2020 Doran Lecture.

Patients can mistakenly believe assisted dying is available in the UK, causing additional mental suffering, warns former nurse.

Ban on assisted dying undermines end-of-life care in Wales, suggests My Death, My Decision

Adults have a right to shape and control their end-of-life, says Court of Protection

Restricting assisted dying to the terminally ill would be ‘totally arbitrary’, says disabled journalist Melanie Reid

Medical voices urge doctors to respect patients’ wishes about coronavirus

Dutch court backs assistance to die for people with advanced Alzheimer’s

Distinguished right-to-die activist Barbara Smoker dies

Queensland – the next Australian state to legalise Assisted Dying?

MDMD condemns inhumane lack of choice, as incurably suffering man is forced to starve himself to death

Assisted Dying laws forced our mum to die without the right-to-say-goodbye, says grieving family

Jersey will establish a Citizens ‘Jury’ on Assisted Dying

Do Alzheimer’s sufferers have to choose assisted dying too soon?

Germany’s top court overturns ban on physician-assisted dying

Canada moves to broaden assisted dying law

Distinguished Doctors and Philosophers urge BMA members to support assisted dying

Royal College of General Practitioners maintain opposition to assisted dying

Dark money anti-assisted dying ad taken down from Facebook

MDMD urges BMA to vote in favour of compassion and empathy

Assisted dying campaigner Phil Newby refused permission by Court of Appeal

Justice Secretary considers review into assisted dying

MPs debate assisted dying call for evidence

Canada forges ahead with consultation on assisted dying for the incurably suffering

MDMD marks the death of assisted dying supporter

High Court refuses permission for Paul Lamb’s right-to-die case

Phil Newby denied permission to challenge the UK’s ban on assisted dying

UK’s largest medical body launches assisted dying survey

New Guidelines for Canadian Medical Assistance to die in early stage Dementia cases

Belgian Paralympian chooses to end her life with medical assistance

Phil Newby asks High Court for the right to challenge the UK’s ban on assisted dying

Medical Aid in Dying for those with early stage Dementia in Canada

Book Review: O, Let me not get Alzheimer’s Sweet Heaven!

Marking one year since assisted dying campaigner Omid T’s death

Canadian court rules in favour of assisted dying for the incurably suffering

17 People a Day Will Suffer As They Die

Two more bad deaths show how the current law is failing

Open Letter to the Secretary of State for Justice

Government to review “Terminal Illness” definition

Parliamentary debate on the UK Assisted Suicide Law

Another incurably suffering man launches new assisted dying challenge

My Time to Die

BMA to poll members on assisted dying

Rational Suicide in the Elderly: the US perspective

Autonomy and Safety of Assisted Suicide Law – reflecting on Jonathan Sumption’s Reith Lecture comments

MDMD welcomes the news that patron, Paul Lamb, intends to bring a new right-to-die case

‘Endgame’ Documentary on Assisted Dying Available Online

Death of MD.MG’s Distinguished Member Dr Michael O’Donnell

New Jersey Legalises Assisted Dying

Renewed campaign to legalise assisted dying in Scotland.

Doctors vote for the Royal College of Physicians to adopt a neutral position on assisted dying

Acclaimed Doctors Call Upon Parliament To Stop Ignoring Assisted Dying Reform

The ‘forfeiture’ rule and assisted dying – punishing compassionate families?

93% think that assisted dying is acceptable in at least some situations

The Legacy of Debbie Purdy – Radio 4 programme

Jersey Government Will Research Assisted Dying Reform

“I readily acknowledge that many of these cases are tragic.” says HM Advocate General for Scotland and MoJ spokesperson for the Lords The Rt Hon Lord Keen of Elie QC

Assisted Dying Coalition launches

‘Five to Midnight’ Before Dementia Takes Over

MDMD Campaign Policy Director responds Dominic Lawson

“Euthanasia in the Netherlands”. Look again, when someone says death will be available on demand.

Pulling “the plug on your life support … because of a message you left on facebook” – Fact or Fiction?

Parliament hears from top Canadian Doctors, on the experiences of assisted dying abroad

American Family Physicians Association (AAFP) changes position on medical aid in dying

MDMD Coordinator asks Baroness Finlay how to avoid late stage dementia

Talking about Dying – More than Meets the Eye?

PRESS RELEASE: Right to Die Campaigner Noel Conway Loses challenge in UK’s Highest Court

Assisted Dying in the USA, A Good First Step But Room for Improvement

PRESS RELEASE: A New Documentary Has Explored the Realities of Oregon’s Assisted Dying Model

Videos from Healthcare and Secularism 2018 Conference

Dementia and Alzheimer’s still increasing as leading cause of death

Video Evidence helps in Rational Suicide Inquest

The Omid T Judicial Review: “Bound to be Dismissed”?

Exclusive Interview with Andi Reiss, Film Director, and personal friend of Omid

Omid Ends his life at Lifecircle in Switzerland

Economist Essay Series on Assisted Dying

Supreme court decision on withholding food and drink in PVS cases

Scottish Parliament removes time limit in definition of “terminally ill”

Eamonn Holmes wants an assisted death in Switzerland if he has dementia – but he shouldn’t rely on others.

Dr David Goodall (104) travels from Australia for a Good Death in Switzerland

Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on End of Life Choices meeting

Should we be able to choose our own death?

Dignitas hit out at UK politicians

Extending the Oregon Right to Die Law. Evidence of a “Slippery Slope”?

The courts may be able to wait, but Omid can’t.

Is the Dutch Euthanasia law working as intended?

Living with Dementia – comparing two cases of Early Onset Dementia

Lady Lucan Coronor’s Suicide Verdict – Fear of Parkinson’s Disease

Hospital trust pays out £45,000 for ignoring an Advance Decision

New Report on Outsourcing Assisted Dying to Switzerland

Victoria, Australia law passes the upper house

Pharmacist driven to break a bad law.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s increasingly the leading cause of death

When is it right to turn off Life Support?

Update on Omid T’s High Court Case

Is “Mercy Killing” ever the right thing to do?

MS Sufferer Colin Campbell’s deferred assisted death raises important questions about help for the disabled

Progress in Victoria, Australia

Lord Carey explains his change of mind on Assisted Dying

Court Ruling no longer needed before life-support is withdrawn from patients with severe illnesses

Preferences for care at end of life when mental capacity is diminishing

New research on the increasing amount of care people need at the end of life.

Should a right-to-die extend to those with psychiatric conditions?

Spectator article on suicide workshops

MDMD Founder Dr Michael Irwin Discusses His End-of-life Plans

Farewell to Lord Joffe

A Good (Assisted) Death in Canada

Dementia sufferer plans to go to Lifecircle

Suspended sentence for failed mercy killer

MS Sufferer heading to Switzerland while he still can

Avoiding Prolonged Dementia

New Legal Challenge on Assisted Dying

House Of Lords Debate on Assisted Dying

Senior judge ends his life after being diagnosed with dementia

Book Review: Rational Suicide in the Elderly

Dementia sufferers ending their lives in Switzerland

PRESS RELEASE: MDMD Response to Noel Conway’s legal challenge on Assisted Dying

Over 100 Minimally conscious patients

Ironically, the option of euthanasia can prolong life, and its quality.

MS sufferer Andrew Barclay ends his life at Dignitas

Why everyone should write an Advance Decision – the case of Paul Briggs

Dementia now leading cause of death

Protecting Vulnerable People

How long do we really want to live for?

MDMD Website launched

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: I want the option of an assisted death

Belgian Paralympian wants Euthanasia… but not yet.

Euthanasia linked to Organ Donation

What is “Unbearable”?

Two BMJ Blog posts on assisted dying in Dementia and Psychiatric cases.

Lord Rix changes his mind in support of legalised euthanasia

New Scientist reports on assisted suicide for psychiatric cases

Man shot wife with dementia in care home ‘to end suffering’ – BBC News

Couple in joint suicide pact to avoid going into care

Euthanasia 2016

Helping my Father Go To DIGNITAS

House of Commons Rejects Assisted Dying Bill